Dusk or Dawn?

It’s been a while since I penned down my thoughts. Strange. More than just a storm has been raging inside me. First, thanks to y’all, who inspire my thoughts, my words, who ignite my deeply buried soul to rise, to speak, to rebel.

It hasn’t been longer than required, it wasn’t long ago. At the dawn of age of virtual reality, we fortunately stand unshaken, for the destruction it brings along, looks sweet as cookies from your favourite store; as to lose your identity to something more publicly acclaimed is à la mode. 

To learn and unlearn the basic life rules as we grow, because it doesn’t matter how hard you struggled to get the picture right, doing a noble job, you should let everyone know how occasionally nice you can be and still only think about swanking it up on social media. Because, clearly all that matters is what your social networking profile portrays. That is going to take you a long, long way to a bottomless chasm of insanity, truly worshipped.

Let us poach some thoughts, some ideas, let us create some nonsensical whimsical quotations about life that imply perfectly to our well-knitted world, let us be the biggest examples of what plagiarism looks like. Let us hunt down the favourites of favourites, of people of this planet. Let us be what they have been, let us follow what has been tested, let us play safe, yet be fondly called adventurous. Let us lose ourselves amidst the awkward hoax.

We stand at the crossroads; or sometimes far beyond the point of return. To begin with, drop everything, all the thoughts you ever put inside your head, and recollect, from your memory map, of time since you remember being yourself, unpolluted, unaltered version of you. Take back, find, what belongs to you. Your name shall not purposelessly stand, dwell on flying with your own wings, with pattern of your own kind,  along the winds from your past, to the oceans of endless possibilities of your future. 

Candle too, aspires to be the Sun,
Unaware, of how it illuminates the corners of a dark room
When the Sun takes a leave.


  1. Its a treat to read to read what you write every single time! This one does strike just the right way and compels you to re-think," Who are we? Have we ever done something which might not be too different yet so unique to make us stand apart?"
    Thanks jashan. Im Patiently waiting to read more of you.

  2. Papa agrees with you sweetheart, in order to be identified more and more,
    We start running an endless race of big connection syndrome.
    The feeling of Identity crisis makes us define our identity using some connections and then we start redefining our identity using new connections.
    Actually need is do define and redefine one with ownself..
    You can easily find people doing charity and marketing it...

  3. Papa agrees with you sweetheart, in order to be identified more and more,
    We start running an endless race of big connection syndrome.
    The feeling of Identity crisis makes us define our identity using some connections and then we start redefining our identity using new connections.
    Actually need is do define and redefine one with ownself..
    You can easily find people doing charity and marketing it...


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